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RINGANA Connect Training Update #sonew


What can you expect at RINGANA Connect Training?

At this online training, RINGANA Partner Managers and experienced RINGANA Leaders share their knowledge with new Partners who are right at the beginning of their RINGANA career. It’s the perfect way to get your business started!

What’s new?

We’ve given our RINGANA Connect Training an update!

RINGANA Connect Training delivers content that is specially designed to meet the needs of new Partners. The aim of this event is to pick you up right at the beginning of your RINGANA career, and get you off to a perfect start by providing you with the basic knowledge you need.

As of now, you can choose between three different training modules:


You’ll find out everything you need to know about RINGANA Values, RINGANA Tools, Networking and Customer Acquisition.


Everything here revolves around the FRESH date: perfect preparation, staging and follow-up.


This is where you’ll get all the information about our business model, how to plan your success, and how to acquire new Partners.

Book your space now!

RINGANA Connect Training is free of charge for all participants.

Whether you’re a new Partner or a mentor with experience – RINGANA Connect Training offers something for every RINGANA Partner. And best of all, you can simply decide for yourself where you need further input, and choose which of the 3 modules you wish to take.

Our new RINGANA Connect Training is held via a Zoom webinar, the advantage being the interaction between attendees and speakers. You should factor in around 60 minutes per module. We’ll be offering dates for training in all of our focus market languages.

With the new version, we’ll also be making a recording available to you which you can then retrieve at any time in the Online Academy in “Business”.

Register here

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