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So new: large-volume product orders

In response to many requests from RINGANA Partners, as of now we are making it possible to place large-volume product orders. This means you can order quantities of a given product that exceed the normal volume for personal use. In this way we are opening up new recommendation and business scope for our Partners and can make the RINGANA brand and our products even better known.

As a rule, it will be possible to order the following products in larger quantities:

  • FRESH soap
  • FRESH tooth oil
  • FRESH hand balm
  • RINGANAchi x3

For orders of 500 units or more of the above-mentioned products, we will give you a bulk discount of 20%* off the gross sale price.

If you wish to place a large-volume product order, you must firstly apply in advance to RINGANA in writing. Each request will be individually reviewed to ensure that the end customer also fits in with the RINGANA philosophy and RINGANA’s values. The following conditions must be met in every case:

  • the end customer fits with RINGANA’s philosophy of sustainability
  • the products will be delivered fresh directly to the end customer (e.g. Christmas gifts for employees)
  • the products may not be resold by end customers over-the-counter
  • Sponsorships are excepted (e.g. sport events)

Where a large-volume order is approved, a down-payment invoice for 50% of the total invoice amount will be issued.

The more detailed the information about the end customer you provide when applying, the easier it will be for RINGANA to thoroughly check the criteria and approve an order. Please bear this in mind when applying by e-mail to and provide us with as many details as possible.


*The discount applies to the respective price of the individual item. Points will be calculated on the following basis: points value x 0.8 x 0.9.

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