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New Freshbook updates for the Sales Tool & Online Office

Fresh-Excellent-Trendsetting – Our Sales Tool is also getting some great updates that are important for your business and planning.

The freshly printed RINGANA Freshbook will be ready to go out shortly and we bet you’d like to know which of your customers will soon be receiving a copy of the brand-new RINGANA freshbook.

What’s new in the Sales Tool on the subject of the Freshbook?
From 05.04.2022, beside the “Voucher” column, you will see the “Freshbook” column. From 16.04.2022 data will be updated, so you will see at a glance which of your customers will soon be receiving the latest issue of the Freshbook by post. That’s a handy way of preparing yourself and planning. Get started now and get your Team Partners on board.
In the “Voucher” column, you can see if your customer has any unused vouchers (e.g. Birthday or Freshbook Voucher).


The “link voucher” function will be removed from the Online Office on 05.04.2022. For correct, automatic customer allocation, we suggest that you share the link to your Vendor Page with your potential new customers.


And the most important for last…

With regard to the new Freshbook which you and selected customers will be receiving by post in the coming weeks, you should bear the following in mind:

– The € 10 Freshbook Voucher can be used against a minimum spend of € 50, and it can be redeemed until 20.06.2022
– The Freshbook will be sent out by post in Austria, Germany, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Italy, Spain and France
– Please note: the voucher is not automatically saved to a shopping basket.


Use the Sales Tool now to prepare yourself perfectly for the Freshbook season!


*This means that as soon as a new version of our Freshbook is sent out, these data will be updated automatically.


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